Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thing 7a

Google Reader

I just Don't Like Technology

This was a situation in which I have to deal with every year. The blog talks about a teacher who doesn't want to use technology at all. She doesn't use computers, interactive whiteboards, or even a cell phone. So, what do you do with a teacher like this?

I can understand some teachers fears of coming to the lab or using something new, but they have to remember we need to give every child an opportunity to learn in a variety of settings. You can reel in or capture a student using technology. Once they get a bite of it and is successful, they will work for you.

Teachers can be and are overwhelmed by the demands that are put on them today. So, I tell our teachers to start out slow. Find something you would like to do and start making that a routine every year for your students. Gradually, you can start to use other types of technology. But the key is to give it a try.

In the blog it gave a great example about going to the doctor. Don't you want him/her to stay up on the new technologies out there to help them better diagnose a problem. I would say yes.

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