Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thing #14


This toy for generating "word clouds" as they put is it neat tool. I think this would be a great thing to use in class. However, I did read in the news on a Wordle blog how this could be used in an inappropriate way. Wouldn't you know that. You have a great tool that can be used in a positive way, but it only takes one to use it negatively. The blog posting was about blocking certain sites on Wordle, but you would have access to their front page which will never posted anything inappropriate for classrooms.

What could you use this tool for? Well, we are working on technology terms for our 8th graders. I could create a cloud and print them out. I could do one large could for all the terms of the 6 weeks, or break it down every 2 weeks. They would have the terms with them and could mark them off after they have been discussed and learned.

You could use this in a science class. Create a cloud with terms from space travel. Student would have to put those terms in order of importance if something happen and had to survive or until you are rescued. You could have them in groups so that collaboration is taking place and problem solving is being discussed. It would be great.

This would also be good for an English class. You could create a cloud of punctuation rules for students to look for when they type or write a paper. This would be something they would keep all year to refer back to.

You could create a cloud for strategies for taking a test. This could help students who stress out when TAKS comes around or remind them of things they can do to help them take the test.

I could go on and on. This is a great tool. I will definitely use this and share this with my colleagues.

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