Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thing #15

Social bookmarking

This was an activity in that is was great because I didn't know about it, but it was hard in that I hope I did everything I was suppose to. I had to go back and find how to "share" my tags. I can see how useful this site can be and I am going to try and use it.
I have a ton of sites at school on my computer that I would love to categorize so that I can use them a lot better. It is very simple to add and identify with a tag. I need to add some of the sites I have learned in this class so I can remember to use them as well.
This is also a good way not to lose some sites that you find. Like I said previously, I have a ton of bookmarks at school. I know I have forgotten about some that I could really use. By giving it a tag, and searching with that tag name, it will be right there at the tips of my fingers to use. I like that. I just need to remember that I have a delicious account.


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