Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thing #22


These are 2 tools that I am aware of. First, I set up a Myspace account after a little peer pressure. I thought it was pretty cool. I was aware of Facebook at the same time, but it was only available to college students.
From my experience, myspace is for anyone out there and I mean anyone. The things people post are crazy and not thought through very well at all. So, I would even go as far to say it it the "noneducational" of the two. I didn't really like what I read, but even more what I saw.
Facebook seems a little more mature and more educational in that most people are aware of what they put online. Don't get me wrong, you will still find some questionable sites, but not near as many as myspace.
I don't know if I see this in education or not. I do see cyberbully and that type of activity with both of these social networks.

My profile on Facebook

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